Friday 23 November 2018

Top 4 wallets to secure your crypto-currencies

Outre la problématique du choix de ses crypto-monnaies, investir dans ce secteur pose la question de la meilleure méthode pour sécuriser ses pièces. Cold wallet, portefeuille papier, wallet en ligne, application PC ou smartphone… chaque solution a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Voici notre top des wallets pour sécuriser ses crypto-monnaies parmi ces différentes options.

1. Ledger Nano S

Should we still present the Ledger Nano S, a cold wallet so sought after that it is currently out of stock at the manufacturer? This small device, which slips easily in pocket, can store more than twenty cryptocurrencies, the list goes on each month. Among the most popular crypto-currencies that are supported by the Nano, there are Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, etc. All ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network can also be kept safe on this physical wallet via MyEtherWallet.
You can buy the Ledger Nano S on Amazon. Small tip if it is out of stock: if you are the owner of at least 10,000 REBLs, you can order one via the site

2. Trezor

Trezor is a solution similar to the Nano S. The technical principle is the same, the keys are encrypted on the device, so it is impossible for a hacker to know them. This type of solution is so safe that you can use it even on an infected computer. And if the camera falls out? No problem, thanks to your restoration keys you can recover all your parts via another device. If you have crypto-currencies that represent substantial amounts, such an investment is highly recommended.

3. Coinbase as an online wallet

Everyone does not invest large amounts in cryptocurrencies. Small investors for whom the purchase of a cold wallet is not justified and who do not want to take the lead with the configuration of a PC client or smartphone can very well consider leaving their parts on a flat exchange form. But in this case, it must be chosen. The recent news of the NEM flight on Coincheck reminds us once again.
This is why Coinbase is a solution of choice for those who wish to use an online wallet, even if the offer is limited to 4 large cryptocurrencies (BTC, LTC, BCH and ETH). The advantages of Coinbase? His seniority, which allowed him to win the trust of investors.

4. Binance as an online wallet

If Binance is still a very young platform in the world of cryptocurrencies, it already has a high degree of trust with investors. Its record in terms of security is currently perfect. It remains to be seen however in the long run if the platform of exchange which goes up will continue its faultless.
Another asset of Binance is the wealth of crypto-currencies supported. You can store Cardano, Stellar, Iota and things you did not even know existed.

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