Saturday 24 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Ark (ARK)

The creation of Ark

The cryptocurrency Ark has an atypical career. When François-Xavier Thoorens left the Lisk project, Ark was born. At the time, Lisk's members think that the founders lack vision and when one of the developers leaves the ship, it causes a global challenge of the community. Several dozen members decide to open a group to discuss the future of Lisk. 9 people will emerge from these debates and embark on a new project: the Ark project, in reference to Noah's Ark.

Ark's Ico

The group of developers launches an ICO, "Initial Coin Offering" to finance the project. The ICO must reach a minimum of 2000 bitcoins to be validated. In December 2016, the fundraising was a failure: it does not reach the defined floor and can not be confirmed. In 2017, the team manages to find a new agreement with donors and can finally launch its cryptocurrency.

The features of Ark

Ark is the very first PoS (Proof of Stake) cryptographic currency to be equipped with a secure USB key as hardware Wallet. The Ark blockchain enables ultra-fast transaction validation: a block can be created every 8 seconds. 60 times faster than its competitor Bitcoin, Ark is one of the fastest virtual currencies on the market.

The Ark Ecosystem cooperative

With Ark's expansion, it became important to secure the project and protect the funds. This is how SCIC Ark Ecosystem was launched, with the aim of giving priority to the project and not to the shareholders. In this organizational model, 52.5% of the generated assets are allocated to the development of the project.

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