Friday 23 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Iota (IOT)

The IOTA protocol

IOTA is an open-source protocol that allows virtual money transactions and data exchange. Its technology is fundamentally different from other crypto-currencies. Designed in 2015, the particularity of Iota is its operation without blockchain. There are therefore no blocks, no chains or minors involved in the process.

Tangle technology

On the IOTA network, currency trading is done through the Internet of Things (IOT) and Tangle technology. It is also a totally decentralized process, like Blockchain. This revolutionary process allows transactions to be made quickly and free of charge via connected devices. Tangle also makes it possible to store data in a decentralized manner and thus ensure their protection. The Iota system allows a user to sell data to companies instantly, without any intermediary agency intervening and taking part of the transaction.

Validation of transactions

Iota allows ultra fast transaction time and unlimited concurrent operations. It has been designed to have great scalability: as the network expands, its performance improves. The transaction validation system is quite innovative: to be able to perform a financial transaction on IOTA, the user will have to confirm two other transactions on the network. Thus, miners and users form a single entity.

IOTA tokens

The tokens of the network are called IOTA. An IOTA is the smallest unit of account. Larger units are then created by adding prefixes: KiloIota, MegaIota, GigaIota ...

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