Thursday 22 November 2018

After the dismantling of 1Broker, will other crypto-platforms be targeted by US authorities?

1Broker, a stockbroker and Bitcoin trading platform based in the Marshall Islands, has recently been dismantled by US authorities. For some observers, the latter could soon attack other crypto-platforms.

The FBI managed to seize a few days ago the domain name used by 1Broker, closing the platform. In particular, he accuses him of providing financial securities without being a licensed broker and failing to comply with anti-money laundering laws.

Here is what the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said:

"The SEC claims that a special FBI agent, acting under cover, managed to buy a security swap on the 1Broker platform from the US, even though it failed to meet the required investment thresholds. by federal securities laws ".

1Broker replica

On Monday afternoon, 1Broker posted a statement on Twitter, saying it was working with a law firm and its legal teams to try to get back on its domain name.

On September 27, 1Broker said he was ready to cooperate with the authorities. She had indicated that she wanted to allow her US customers to withdraw their funds as soon as possible.

When writing this article on Wednesday, October 3rd, the domain name still had an FBI statement. The latter seized him after obtaining a warrant from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

A disturbing initiative?

This is what Shamoil T. Shipchandler, SEC Regional Office Director for the City of Fort Worth said:

"The SEC protects US investors on a variety of platforms, regardless of the type of currency they use to trade. International companies that offer their services to US investors can not circumvent compliance with federal securities laws by using cryptocurrencies. "

On Twitter, the lawyer Jake Chervinsky insisted that the US law enforcement agencies took more than two years to close 1broker - the transaction carried out by the undercover agent took place on March 30, 2016.

He recalled that most Tokens from ICOs were launched in the second quarter of 2017, and suggested that some of them could already be in the viewfinder of US authorities.

Several crypto-traders share this view, and believe that some trading platforms like BitMEX or Binance could potentially be targeted by the United States.

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