Thursday 22 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Stellar Lumens (XLM)

The Stellar network

Stellar is a decentralized platform designed to implement different financial applications. It is run by which is a non-profit organization. Stellar provides its users with its own independent stock market to trade all types of assets and currencies. This open-source project allows fast payments, validated in 2 to 5 seconds and for very low operating costs. Up to 1000 operations per second can be handled by the Stellar network.

The Stellar Protocol and the Lumen

Stellar's protocol does not include mining to create tokens, which means that all coins already exist at the start of the network. The Lumen is the cryptocurrency associated with the Stellar network. It is used to pay the costs of financial transactions and helps to ensure the authenticity of accounts: each account must ensure to have at least 20 units to remain active.

The distribution of chips has determined a specific distribution circuit of its chips:

  • 50% to interested persons, on request, to distribute in small quantities to as many people as possible
  • 25% to non-profit organizations
  • 20% for people who already have Bitcoins and XRP.
  • 5% that retains for specific operations

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