Saturday 24 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE)

The Dogecoin: presentation of this atypical cryptocurrency

The Dogecoin is a decentralized digital currency that allows for peer-to-peer transactions in a very fast, secure and low cost way. The basic initiative of the creator of Dogecoin was to create a currency with a more humorous approach. This is why he chose the name "Doge" which is then a viral shiba dog and very well known by English-speaking users. If the basic idea was more of a joke, the Doge quickly found a community of followers who decided to support this new cryptocurrency. Today, the Doge is still the mascot of the network.

The Dogecoin for small transactions

Unlike Bitcoin, the reference in the world of cryptographic currencies, Dogecoin was created with the objective of making transactions of small amounts, the type "tips" (tips). The amounts of transactions are often below 10 €, which allows micro-payments such as sending tips or buying music or applications costing a few cents or a few euros. Initially, the maximum amount of DOGE in circulation was set at 100 billion tokens. Once this level reached, it was planned to reinject each year 5.2 billion tokens. This limit was finally lifted and the issue of DOGE is now indexed to that of Litecoin.

How Dogecoin works

The Doge network operates through blockchain and mining processes, in the same way as the LuckyCoin virtual currency, itself based on Litecoin.

Presentation and definition of the Stratis cryptocurrency (STRAT)

The Stratis project

Stratis is a project to make the blockchain more accessible. Stratis particularly targets companies that do not have the skills to reap the benefits of cryptocurrencies. The goal is to democratize the use of blockchain by providing turnkey solutions. For its creator, Chris Trew, the blockchain is synonymous with the future but few companies use it for lack of means or knowledge.

The operation of Stratis

Stratis offers an easy and intuitive way to create applications on the blockchain. These applications are coded in C # language on the .NET framework infrastructure, via the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node library. The network proposes a language already widely used in the development of applications to facilitate the transition and to avoid developers having to learn new languages. The Stratis blockchain offers great security and stability, which reassures and attracts companies. Companies can now launch their own blockchain at a lower cost.

Breeze knots

The Breeze Nodes are designed to support the Breeze Wallet. This portfolio will provide users with greater confidentiality in their operations. In order for the Breeze nodes to be exploited correctly, the member will have to lock in his wallet a certain amount of chips.

The IOC Stratis

Stratis was funded through an initial offering, an ICO, which raised 915 Bitcoins, the equivalent of $ 650,000. Following the ICO, 98 million STRAT units were issued and distributed to investors.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Augur (REP)

The Augur network
Augur is a decentralized network that creates prediction markets. Its operation is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Any user can open a predictive market by investing tokens. Then, the creator is rewarded if his prediction is correct, via a percentage of the fees generated. The Augur network is therefore inspired by betting platforms, but the blockchain makes it possible to record a greater number of participations and predictions. In addition, users can create any bet on Augur without the latter being validated by a central organization. All other members will be able to participate for a relatively low fee.

REP tokens
The Augur platform uses REP tokens. The REP represents a sort of score. This is not an investment of liquidity but a token that can account for the outcome of the event predicted. It is therefore not a central authority that validates the outcome of the event but the set of PWR holders, called "oracles". If an oracle decides to announce a false result, all his REP tokens will be redistributed. Thus, cheating and error are almost impossible.

Money supply
11 million REP are in circulation, the limit is fixed. Following the ICO (Initial Corner Offering), 80% of the chips were sold, the development team received 16% and the foundation that manages the maintenance and promotion of Augur (the Forecast Foundation) obtained 4 %.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Augur (REP)

The Augur network

Augur is a decentralized network that creates prediction markets. Its operation is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Any user can open a predictive market by investing tokens. Then, the creator is rewarded if his prediction is correct, via a percentage of the fees generated. The Augur network is therefore inspired by betting platforms, but the blockchain makes it possible to record a greater number of participations and predictions. In addition, users can create any bet on Augur without the latter being validated by a central organization. All other members will be able to participate for a relatively low fee.

REP tokens

The Augur platform uses REP tokens. The REP represents a sort of score. This is not an investment of liquidity but a token that can account for the outcome of the event predicted. It is therefore not a central authority that validates the outcome of the event but the set of PWR holders, called "oracles". If an oracle decides to announce a false result, all his REP tokens will be redistributed. Thus, cheating and error are almost impossible.

Money supply

11 million REP are in circulation, the limit is fixed. Following the ICO (Initial Corner Offering), 80% of the chips were sold, the development team received 16% and the foundation that manages the maintenance and promotion of Augur (the Forecast Foundation) obtained 4 %.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Ark (ARK)

The creation of Ark

The cryptocurrency Ark has an atypical career. When François-Xavier Thoorens left the Lisk project, Ark was born. At the time, Lisk's members think that the founders lack vision and when one of the developers leaves the ship, it causes a global challenge of the community. Several dozen members decide to open a group to discuss the future of Lisk. 9 people will emerge from these debates and embark on a new project: the Ark project, in reference to Noah's Ark.

Ark's Ico

The group of developers launches an ICO, "Initial Coin Offering" to finance the project. The ICO must reach a minimum of 2000 bitcoins to be validated. In December 2016, the fundraising was a failure: it does not reach the defined floor and can not be confirmed. In 2017, the team manages to find a new agreement with donors and can finally launch its cryptocurrency.

The features of Ark

Ark is the very first PoS (Proof of Stake) cryptographic currency to be equipped with a secure USB key as hardware Wallet. The Ark blockchain enables ultra-fast transaction validation: a block can be created every 8 seconds. 60 times faster than its competitor Bitcoin, Ark is one of the fastest virtual currencies on the market.

The Ark Ecosystem cooperative

With Ark's expansion, it became important to secure the project and protect the funds. This is how SCIC Ark Ecosystem was launched, with the aim of giving priority to the project and not to the shareholders. In this organizational model, 52.5% of the generated assets are allocated to the development of the project.

Presentation and definition of Bitcoin Gold Cryptocurrency (BTG)

A fork of Bitcoin

Bitcoin Gold is a fork of the famous Bitcoin network aimed at solving the problem of centralization of minors. This fork took place in October 2017, at block 491407. The developers took what is called "a snapshot" of the blockchain. Before block 491407, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Gold have the same history and then diverge. From a technical point of view, this new cryptocurrency is very similar to Bitcoin.

At the time of the fork, all holders of Bitcoins (BTC) were able to receive an equivalent amount of Bitcoins Gold (BTG) directly in their wallet. This is an "Airdrop", a free distribution of coins to quickly spread the chips and promote the new currency.

History of the fork

Today, the mining of Bitcoin is carried out by a small minority that has powerful machines. This computing power is completely inaccessible for individuals. Bitcoin Gold therefore intervenes to propose a solution to this problem based on a new algorithm: Equihash. It is the same algorithm used in the Zcash system, it has the distinction of being resistant to ASICS. The goal is to give members the opportunity to mine with their processors and graphics cards. At launch, there was a pre-mining of 100,000 tokens.

The DDoS attack

When it was launched, the Bitcoin Gold site was the victim of a DDoS attack and had to shut down for 4 hours. This attack has discredited BTG, cryptocurrency users having questioned the competence of the team.

Presentation and definition of the Ethereum Classic Cryptocurrency (ETC)

The birth of Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic was born in 2016 following the piracy of a smart contract on the Ethereum network which caused the misappropriation of more than 10% of ETH tokens then in circulation. The team of developers wanted to set up a fork to cancel the piracy and give back the funds to the holders but this initiative was not supported by the entire network. In fact, going back on past transactions, even fraudulent ones, would totally call into question the unchanging character of the blockchain. The result is a schism in the Ethereum blockchain that has split into two versions. The new Ethereum Classic protocol is the piracy version and it always contains all blocks of past transactions.

How Ethereum Classic works

The Ethereum Classic uses tokens called Ether Classic that have the same characteristics as Ether Ethereum network. Both networks rely on the same basic operation: the creation of applications and the execution of "smart contracts" in the blockchain, via a fully decentralized open-source system. Although the Ethereum Classic network has a much smaller market capitalization than its precursor, it has still managed to win in the world of cryptocurrencies and has reached more than $ 1.5 billion in market value.

The limit of tokens ETC

Unlike Ethereum, Ethereum Classic has set a limit on ETC tokens. The distribution of chips will end when 210 million of them are already in circulation.

Friday 23 November 2018

Top books on crypto-currencies

The cryptocurrency market is a world apart. Having a trading experience in the traditional markets is an asset, but there are some things you will need to learn or forget to perform in cryptos. Beginners have even more interest in assimilating bases before starting. By reading articles or books. In this top, we offer a small selection of books on cryptocurrencies that should help you.

Blockchain: The ultimate beginner guide by James C. Anderson

Before investing in cryptos, it seems important to understand what it is. Rest assured, I'm not talking about mastering the complex cryptographic concepts that make up the mechanics of these electronic assets, but generalities such as technological principles, mining, distributed registers, and so on. This book is a real reference for the beginner who wants to get serious. In a little over 50 pages, it provides a good foundation in a minimum time. In electronic format, it costs only a few euros, you can buy it through the link below. Other works by the same author allow to deepen the subject.

Buy Blockchain: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to James C. Anderson

Behind the undeniable speculation that surrounds the market crypto-currencies, we would almost forget what gave birth to Bitcoin, namely the risk of having his money with third parties who may disappear on the occasion of a crisis or a bankruptcy. This book allows investors in cryptocurrencies to acquire a monetary and financial culture, if it is not already done. "Money: what we do not know: ... and that we should all know" should open your eyes to the risks posed to global financial instability, banks and governments, and put into perspective risks of cryptocurrencies.

Buy Money: what we do not know: ... and we should all know about D. La Plume

Blockchain: The ultimate intermediate guide of James C. Anderson

Suite of the author's ultimate beginner's guide, "Blockchain: James C. Anderson's ultimate intermediate guide" looks deeper into deeper factors such as monetarism, the future of crypto-currencies. If you already have the basics of this sector, you do not need to read the beginner's guide, you can immediately acquire this second volume to perfect your knowledge of the blockchain.

Crypto-Coins: Buy your first crypto-currencies from scratch of A. Pellarin

You are like "straight to the point", this book is for you. Antony Pellarin's guide quickly approaches the principle of the chain of blocks and then moves on to more concrete considerations. Learn how to start buying cryptocurrency and reaping profits.

Which cryptocurrency should I mine?

You want to get into cryptocurrency mining, but you do not know how to do it. Here is a guide that explains what cryptocurrency you should undermine.

Choose according to his equipment

This is the first thing to look at before you start mining cryptocurrency. Your equipment is indeed important and you will have to make your choice based on your equipment or the investment you are willing to make for the mining. However, whatever your budget or material, we advise you to devote your equipment to mining and cryptocurrency transactions.

In mining, there is one element that you must always keep in mind: generally, the more popular a cryptocurrency is, the more it is mined, the more difficult it is to execute. Knowing that the most popular crypto-currencies are generally the most profitable, you will often have to invest a lot of money if you want to undermine the most lucrative crypto-currencies.

Mining in a few words

It is one thing to want to undermine, but to do this, it may be important to have some data assimilated. The first of these is the purpose of the mining. It is indeed a paid service to check different transactions. To do this, you need to create a sequence of numbers and letters called a hash that creates the next block in the chain. However, this calculation is far too complex to be handmade, so you have to use dedicated hardware. Moreover, as we have seen above, the difficulty of mining varies according to the number of people who mine, so that the crypto-currencies most popular can not be undermined with a conventional computer. You will need to equip your computer accordingly to improve its computing performance or even buy a GPU, a machine specifically designed for mining.

Before you start mining, you should also check that it is profitable. Mining can indeed require a big investment of departure, but it is also a very greedy activity in electricity. In addition, if you decide to work as a team in a pool, a fee will be deducted from your winnings. You must therefore verify that you will be able to make your investment profitable, by winning more than the initial purchase and the invoices that you will receive.

Crypto-currencies that you must undermine

Here are the crypto-currencies that you must undermine. They obviously depend on your equipment and the size of your investment ...

  • If you use pro equipment and are willing to invest money, we advise you to opt for the most popular cryptocurrencies. They are indeed difficult to undermine, but their popularity did not come by chance. These are strong and stable currencies that will allow you to make a good investment. In addition, your hardware will be able to undermine the most popular crypto-currencies such as Litecoin or Bitcoin.
  • If you have a high-end computer and you are ready to invest reasonably, we advise you to mine crypto-coins of good standing such as the Monero. You will not have the power to undermine the best crypto-currencies, but you should not have a hard time undermining good alternative cryptocurrencies. However, if you absolutely want to undermine the best crypto-currencies with this type of material, you can try registering on a mining pool. Indeed, since your efforts will be shared with other contributors, you will receive a percentage of the winnings generated by the pool. Your income may be a bit lower. However, to increase your performance, you can add multiple graphics cards, which will allow you to significantly increase the computing power.
  • Finally, if you do not want to invest, you have two possibilities. The first of these is to register on a mining pool and to mine alternative crypto-currencies. Otherwise, you can try to mine alone by focusing on new crypto-currencies. Indeed, at the beginning of their existence, crypto-currencies are relatively simple to undermine. For example, it was possible to mine Bitcoin with a home computer when it was launched. If the cryptocurrency you are mining becomes popular, you will have to mine another, but you may have won the jackpot. Also note that if you only have a low-end or mid-range laptop, you will have a lot of trouble mining. Your graphics card will not be powerful enough.

Use Cryptopia to facilitate the mining

Cryptopia is a site that will help you a lot for mining. You just need to indicate the speed of your graphics card, your power consumption when your graphics card is fully exploited and the price per kWh to tell you the cryptocurrency that you will be the most profitable. undermine. This will save you time and money by avoiding mining unprofitable crypto-currencies. You can also use Cryptopia as a cryptocurrency trading platform, which can allow you to mine a cryptocurrency and receive another crypto currency.

Top graphics cards for mining crypto-currencies

It is possible to acquire crypto currencies without buying them directly, but by manufacturing them through mining. Several solutions exist to provide the necessary hash power, including graphics cards.

ASIC chips have the best reign in Bitcoin mining, some crypto-currencies have been designed to erase this advantage, and thus perpetuate the mining graphics card. This is the case of Monero, Zencash, Ethereum and many others. Today, we offer you the top of the most interesting graphic cards to mine crypto-currencies.

What to consider when buying a graphics card for mining

This is a general classification. If you want to focus on mining a specific cryptocurrency, you will need to do some additional research. Indeed, the specificities of the algorithms mean that a GPU can represent the best alternative for one currency, but not for another.

Overall, it is necessary to take into account 3 parameters:

  • The price of the graphics card
  • Its power (expressed in hash rate), which will solve more or less quickly computer problems that are the essence of mining
  • Its consumption of electricity, which has a lasting impact on the "cost of production" of crypto-currencies (unless you still live with your parents, who may still tick at the receipt of their invoice EDF ...)

The ranking is established taking into account these 3 parameters to find the best power / price / power consumption ratio, and thus obtain the highest return on investment possible.

1. Radeon RX 480

This is not the most recent graphics card in the list. The AMD Radeon RX 480, on the other hand, offers an extremely attractive price / performance ratio, which explains why it is at the top of our top of graphic cards for mining. Because of its affordability, it is also a great solution if you want to get into this business without knowing what the future will be. The AMD Radeon RX 480 can be difficult to find, even on occasion, because of its qualities for cryptographic mining. If you manage to get your hands on this GPU, do not hesitate.

2. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

A hash power of 30 mh / s for a power consumption of 150 W: these are the reasons why the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 deservedly occupies the second place of our top graphics cards to mine cryptocurrencies. It is relatively expensive to buy. But if you are firmly committed to doing long-term mining, this is probably the best option of the moment. Best of all, this GPU is also perfect for playing. If you are a gamer, you will kill two birds with one stone.

3. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

If you're a fan of gaming, you probably know that the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 is considered the Rolls of graphics cards. Its power that is great for 4K games is just as phenomenal for mining. This performance of course has a cost: depending on the brands, it takes between 700 and 1.300 €. Its disadvantage is its power consumption. If you want to give your PC an excellent GPU to play and you also want to do mining, this is probably the best choice for this dual use. If you are just looking for a map dedicated to mining, the options above are more attractive.

4. Radeon RX 580

You guessed it, this is the big sister of our number 1 graphics card for mining cryptocurrency. This graphics card is also not very easy to find as the miners tear themselves away. Despite its affordable price, it is able to reach a hash rate of almost 30 mh / s, without blowing up your electricity bill. You may need a little quibble with the settings to achieve optimal performance. But once found, you can be sure that your AMD Radeon RX 480 will justify its investment.

How to mine Bitcoin (BTC)?

You've heard about Bitcoin mining and you want to try it, but you do not know what to do? We therefore tell you how to proceed step by step to achieve it.

Equip you accordingly

The first thing to do before mining Bitcoin is to equip yourself accordingly. Indeed, even if it was possible to mine with a simple computer a few years ago, it would be difficult now. Your poor performance will not even allow you to pay back the electricity you will spend on mining. For this, you will need an ASIC card. This is a map that you install in the same way as a graphics card and that will allow you to have the power to mine without it is too much energy intensive.

However, if you want to avoid such an investment, you can also use cloud mining. It is a system that allows you to use the equipment that another company makes available to you under a lease. That is, you will rent the equipment of this company instead of investing in your own equipment.

To undermine you will also need to download two things. The first is a wallet. This will allow you to receive and store your Bitcoin. However, please secure it. For this purpose, we advise you to create a complex password and choose a portfolio with several protection systems. But you will also have to download a mining program. Most are open source and free. We advise you to opt for the CGMiner or BFGminer programs which are the most effective. However, be sure to tie the two together to make sure you are getting the gains from your mining.

Choose how you want to work

You have two choices. The first is to work alone. However, you will have to make a huge investment to be competitive and make money. On the other hand, if you succeed in undermining, you will receive the full reward. The other method is to register on a mining pool. This solution will allow you to earn money faster because the mining efforts will be shared between all members of the pool. However, the money will be shared based on your contribution to the pool. In addition, operating costs will be deducted from your earnings. They usually rise between 1 and 10% of their amount.

Some interesting pools for Bitcoin

If you decide to mine through a mining pool, you still have to be careful to choose a reliable and profitable one. That's why we especially recommend Genesis Mining (3% discount on your GENESIS MINING contract code: 8D7cYP). It is indeed a reliable site and easy to use for beginners. For advanced users, we recommend opting for AntPool or which are two of the most effective pools.

Is Miner Bitcoin profitable?

Since Bitcoins can be mined, one may wonder if it would not be worth the cost of mining them yourself, rather than trading them. In reality, this is not profitable for most people. Miner requires a very powerful computer, which is expensive. And the electricity bill is also to be taken into account. For this to be really profitable, you have to start a farm, which is a real business in itself. Finally, with the constant evolution of the currencies, your material will be quickly exceeded (as well as the coins that you chose to undermine).

How to mine crypto-currencies?

You want to mine cryptocurrency, but you do not know how to proceed. No problem since we will tell you how to do it step by step.

What is mining?

Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized payment systems, there is no central bank to produce new copies of this currency. However, the mining makes it possible to ensure this production of new units. It is a paid service that asks you to put your equipment to check the transactions. Each transaction is reviewed by the miners before it is converted to what is called a hash, a combination of letters and numbers. This combination is then hooked to the blockchain, which is the history of all transactions made, for display.

How to mine cryptocurrency

To undermine this cryptocurrency, you have to find the hash with the right combination. It is therefore necessary to test all possible combinations until finding the right one. The minor who gets it receives a certain amount in cryptocurrency. However, minors usually encounter several difficulties:

  • Mining would be far too complicated to do by hand. This means that in order to undermine cryptocurrency, it is necessary to either invest in computer equipment or rent it, notably thanks to the cloud mining system. Before mining cryptocurrency, one must first invest one's own money;
  • only the miner who finds the hash is paid and all the others do not touch anything. So it's a race against the clock to find the right combination. This also makes it the people who invest the most money and deploy the most means that are most likely to find the hash;
  • some crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, are victims of their success and have become very hard to undermine. For a miner to achieve it alone, it takes such an investment that it would be difficult to make money.

The mining pool

To avoid all these problems, there is the solution of the mining pools. The basic idea is simple: pool efforts to increase your chances of finding the right hash. However, all the benefits will be shared between the different contributors of this pool. This principle is reminiscent of lotto where, when you play several, you increase your chances of winning, but they will be less important since they will be shared. In addition, you will have to deduct the cost of the mining pool. They are usually between 1 and 10% of your income.

BitBay review: advantages, disadvantages and tutorial

You want to use BitBay to trade or store cryptocurrency, but you do not know how this platform works and you would like to know about its advantages and disadvantages. This is what we suggest you to savor in this guide.

Introducing BitBay

BitBay is one of the most popular and popular cryptocurrency trading platforms on the market. This is partly because it is a versatile platform that will allow you not only to store your cryptocurrency through its integrated portfolio, but also to buy, sell, send or receive cryptocurrency . In addition, you can trade all the most famous cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, Bitcoin or Litecoin.

The advantages and disadvantages of BitBay

The main advantage of BitBay is its attractiveness. This is reflected in several ways. The first of these is the amount of fees charged on transactions. They are indeed well below average. In addition, you can fully use BitBay without having to confirm your identity. This allows you to start trading without waiting too long. However, you can also increase your possibilities by doing it. Finally, the BitBay platform does everything possible to ensure the security of your data since you can not only protect your access with a second code, but you can also enjoy the two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator.

However, BitBay also has some disadvantages. The first of them is that the interface is entirely in English (or in Polish), which can be embarrassing for those who have some difficulties in the language of Shakespeare. Another big disadvantage is that you will not receive a notification, either for a payment you receive or a transfer you make to another account. However, this can be solved by using BitBay Notifier, which relies on the BitBay API to notify you by email of each important event on your account. Finally, in case of problems with the latter, you will see that the responsiveness of customer service is far from exemplary. The response times are indeed quite long. However, as long as you understand English, a very complete documentation is available.

In conclusion

BitBay is one of the most popular cryptocurrency trading platforms and owes a lot to its attractiveness. You will find transaction fees well below average and you will not need to verify your identity to use it. Plus, you'll have everything you need to secure your account. However, we may regret that the interface of the platform has not been translated into French, which could put off the Anglophobes. In addition, if you do not install BitBay Notifier, you will not receive any notifications. Finally, the customer service is sorely lacking in responsiveness. BitBay, however, remains a very interesting platform, as long as English does not pose too many problems and you can be quite autonomous.

All about cryptocurrency mining

You hesitate to embark on cryptocurrency mining, but would you like to know how it works? No problem, we offer this guide that tells you everything.

The mining of cryptocurrencies is an activity that is spreading more and more. While this was a very marginal phenomenon during the launch of Bitcoin, it has now become a full-fledged business. But how does this industry work? This is the question we will answer.

Presentation of Cryptocurrency Mining

Mining is a paid service that consists of checking transactions or performing calculations to create new copies of cryptocurrency that is mined. For this, we must find a code consisting of numbers and letters, which is called a hash, and which generates the next block of the chain of transactions. However, this calculation is too complex to be done by hand and it is therefore necessary to use the computer calculation.

However, to limit the speed of creating new coins, each currency uses the same principle. The more cryptocurrency is mined, the more complex the calculations for finding the hashes are. This meant that the miners had to find new ways of working to keep a good performance. So now, to be able to efficiently mine the most complex crypto-currencies, and therefore those that require the greatest computing power, mining pools have opened.

Mining pools

A mining pool is a community site in which different contributors combine their computing power to be able to mine more efficiently. This makes it possible to find the hashes, which is highly rewarded. However, the gains are also divided according to the size of the contribution of each. In addition, some pools offer to rent computing power, which allows you to avoid investing in expensive hardware. It will usually be necessary to subscribe to a subscription of twenty euros per month, to which will be added operating costs of about 3 cents per day. Another advantage of this method is that you can use this computing power to undermine the cryptocurrency you want. You can even change it if you find another crypto-currency more profitable. Here are the most interesting mining pools:

  • Minergate is the most popular mining pool for independent miners. It is very effective and can mine about twenty cryptocurrencies. It also has its own software, very simple and intuitive.
  • Cryptotia is an exchange platform that can also be used to mine cryptocurrency. Its big advantage is to offer crypto-currencies little known that will be easier to undermine and can represent a great opportunity.
  • Genesis Mining (3% discount on your GENESIS MINING contract with the code: 8D7cYP) is another pool that allows you not only to mine using your own graphics card but also allows you to rent computing power using the cloud.
  • NiceHash and MiningRigRentals are two mining pools that work in a similar way, as they allow you to rent mining power to mine your own cryptocurrency.

2017 innovations in mining

Since mining is a fast-growing sector, it is relatively logical to see a large number of innovations come onto the market. So here is what these innovations propose ...

  • The first of these innovations is energy rental. This is a process that allows you to invest by renting a portion of the power consumption of a mining plant. Once the plant is operational, you receive what the plant produces with the portion of the consumption you rent. The main benefit of this innovation is that if the plant is able to lower its power consumption or invest in more efficient equipment, your income will increase. You only pay once and you will receive profits for 50 years. This principle was launched in June 2017 with Chryptonomos. However, although you can no longer invest in this project, we can easily imagine that other similar projects will emerge. To see the advantages of energy rental, here is a table in which it is compared to the power calculation rental:
  • The other major innovation of 2017 in mining is Unity Ingot. It's like a cryptocurrency that undermines you. Although this may seem unrealistic at first, it is based on a fairly simple principle. Thanks to the opening of the currency on the market places, funds are generated. This money is used to buy mining equipment that will be used to undermine the widest possible variety of cryptocurrency. These crypto-currencies are then divided into two parts: those that are likely to gain value are kept while the others are exchanged for Bitcoin.
This will create a cryptocurrency that will follow the same evolution as that of all crypto-currencies. As a result, if the overall value of cryptocurrencies increases, the value of Unity Ingot will also increase. For simplicity, it's a bit like buying a little bit of each cryptocurrency.

How to sell your Bitcoins easily

You want to sell your Bitcoins but you do not know how. No problem since we offer this guide explaining you how to do step by step.

How to sell Bitcoins on Binance

1. Your listing on Binance

Of course, you will not be able to sell cryptocurrency on Binance without having created an account on this platform. However, it's really not difficult since you just have to follow the various steps imposed. You must first select the language in which you want the interface to be displayed. Then you will have to enter your email address and set your password. However, to minimize the risk of hacking, we advise you to choose a relatively complex password. You can also activate a second protection via Google Authenticator. If it is not mandatory, it is still strongly recommended. This will allow you to offer greater protection to your valuable cryptocurrency.

2. Verifying your identity

However, it is not enough for you to have validated your account to fully enjoy Binance. This time again, it's nothing complicated. We must simply follow different steps. To begin, you must indicate whether you are a Chinese resident or not, and give several personal details such as your name, your first name, your gender and the country in which you reside. You will then need to provide your ID number before providing a double-sided photocopy. Finally, you will be asked to take a picture of yourself while holding your ID and a paper on which you have previously indicated the date of the day.

3. Sell Bitcoin on Binance

However, you will not be able to sell Bitcoin on the Binance platform if you do not have one on your account. To get some, you can do it in many ways. You will be able to mine it, exchange it for other crypto-currencies or transfer it from an online portfolio or another interface. Once this is done, you will finally be able to sell your Bitcoin.
However, please note that Binance only allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies against other cryptocurrencies. To do this, you must go to the "Buy / Sell" tab and select the dialog box on which you will see "Sell". Once you have chosen the amount of bitcoins you want to sell, as well as the price at which you want to resell it, you will be able to validate to create a sell order. You can also respond to a purchase request that you will find in the list. Once your sale is finalized and validated, you will receive your cryptocurrency and your bitcoins will be sent to the buyer.


  • By using Binance, you can only sell your bitcoins against other crypto-currencies.
  • However, before you start selling, you must create an account and pass the identity verification step.
  • To sell, you can create a sell order, but also respond to a purchase request.

How to choose and create a wallet of cryptocurrencies

If you start buying crypto-currencies, you will need a wallet. It will allow you to store your cryptocurrency, but also to send it, receive it, buy it or sell it. However, you will find several types and you may have some difficulty finding you and making your choice.

The different types of online cryptocurrency portfolios

Before choosing your cryptocurrency portfolio, you need to determine the type of portfolio you want to use. There are several, all with their own characteristics and benefits.

  • The first type of portfolio we will see is the one on a cryptocurrency trading platform. These platforms, such as Coinbase, allow you to trade different crypto-currencies but also to enjoy a portfolio. These are very simple portfolios to use. They are installed automatically when creating your account and just go to your wallet to instantly generate a new address. The supported crypto-currencies differ depending on the platforms. Do not hesitate to consult the crypto-currencies available on each interface before you create an account.
  • You will find multi-wallet portfolios. These are versatile portfolios that allow you to use multiple cryptocurrencies. Although they are a little more complex to use than the portfolios of the platforms, they are nevertheless more complete and practical to use than the simple portfolios that we will describe later. If you use multiple crypto-currencies and you are not necessarily new to cryptocurrency, it could be the ideal cryptocurrency wallet for you. Among the most used multi-wallet wallets, you'll find Jaxx.
  • Finally, you will find many portfolios valid for a single currency. Although they are less comprehensive than other types of portfolio, they will provide you with many benefits. The most important is an increased completeness compared to the various polyvalent purses. For example, you will have the official portfolios for each cryptocurrency.

Once you have chosen the type of cryptocurrency wallet you want, all you have to do is choose a wallet. We present you the portfolios that we find the most interesting in each category. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, as there are too many portfolios online and we want to offer only the best.

The portfolios of cryptocurrency trading platforms

In this category, you will find a large number of platforms, among which ...

  • The Coinbase platform is the reference for crypto-currency trading platforms. It is indeed an interface that allows you to easily trade the most popular crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin or Litecoin. It's exactly the same with his wallet of cryptocurrencies that should not be a problem for you. Indeed, your wallet will be installed by default and you will simply have to generate an address to create a new one. However, your identity must be validated so that you can generate new addresses.
  • The BitBay interface also offers many options since you can trade a large number of crypto-currencies on a very secure system. You will have two means of protection with a password required during the connection but also with two-factor authentication that will offer you a second protection. 
  • You will be able to store your cryptocurrency without worrying about its security. This is a good thing since you can now take advantage of the very good portfolio of BitBay, which combines perfectly efficiency and simplicity: your wallet will be automatically available and you only have to click on a button to generate a new address .
  • Binance is another very effective platform, but it is somewhat different than the previous two in that it only offers cryptocurrency exchange, so you will not be able to buy or sell crypto-currency. currency for real money. However, its portfolio is just as interesting as the other two platforms since you can use it in a simple way. It will be installed when you create your account and you just have to click on a button to generate a new address.

Top 4 wallets to secure your crypto-currencies

Outre la problématique du choix de ses crypto-monnaies, investir dans ce secteur pose la question de la meilleure méthode pour sécuriser ses pièces. Cold wallet, portefeuille papier, wallet en ligne, application PC ou smartphone… chaque solution a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Voici notre top des wallets pour sécuriser ses crypto-monnaies parmi ces différentes options.

1. Ledger Nano S

Should we still present the Ledger Nano S, a cold wallet so sought after that it is currently out of stock at the manufacturer? This small device, which slips easily in pocket, can store more than twenty cryptocurrencies, the list goes on each month. Among the most popular crypto-currencies that are supported by the Nano, there are Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, etc. All ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network can also be kept safe on this physical wallet via MyEtherWallet.
You can buy the Ledger Nano S on Amazon. Small tip if it is out of stock: if you are the owner of at least 10,000 REBLs, you can order one via the site

2. Trezor

Trezor is a solution similar to the Nano S. The technical principle is the same, the keys are encrypted on the device, so it is impossible for a hacker to know them. This type of solution is so safe that you can use it even on an infected computer. And if the camera falls out? No problem, thanks to your restoration keys you can recover all your parts via another device. If you have crypto-currencies that represent substantial amounts, such an investment is highly recommended.

3. Coinbase as an online wallet

Everyone does not invest large amounts in cryptocurrencies. Small investors for whom the purchase of a cold wallet is not justified and who do not want to take the lead with the configuration of a PC client or smartphone can very well consider leaving their parts on a flat exchange form. But in this case, it must be chosen. The recent news of the NEM flight on Coincheck reminds us once again.
This is why Coinbase is a solution of choice for those who wish to use an online wallet, even if the offer is limited to 4 large cryptocurrencies (BTC, LTC, BCH and ETH). The advantages of Coinbase? His seniority, which allowed him to win the trust of investors.

4. Binance as an online wallet

If Binance is still a very young platform in the world of cryptocurrencies, it already has a high degree of trust with investors. Its record in terms of security is currently perfect. It remains to be seen however in the long run if the platform of exchange which goes up will continue its faultless.
Another asset of Binance is the wealth of crypto-currencies supported. You can store Cardano, Stellar, Iota and things you did not even know existed.

Eos, what is it?


Eos is a protocol for creating decentralized applications using an improved blockchain. It is considered as a cryptocurrency competing with Ethereum because its technological process allows greater scability: that is to say, it can easily adapt to a greater demand. 1 billion tokens EOS have been created and already more than 620 million have been distributed.

The launch of Eos

The EOS cryptocurrency was created following an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which is simply crowdfunding in the form of cryptocurrency, and more specifically ETH. The launch of EOS provokes a real tidal wave in the world of cryptographic currencies because this fundraising is unprecedented. The ICO is open to investors until June 2018.

Proof of delegated stake

Eos is based on the DPoS (proof of delegated stake). Evidence of an issue is an alternative consensus that aims to improve some aspects of the proof of work, such as its significant costs due to excessive electricity consumption to validate the blocks and its inability to adapt to a large number of concurrent users.

The block validation system

DPoS is known to be the fastest protocol. Its operation is based on control by the shareholders holding the tokens. The "witnesses" elected by the shareholders will take care of signing and entering the transactions in a block. Shareholders have the power to exclude witnesses suspected of cheating or controversial practices. This management system reduces management costs and maximizes dividends.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Iota (IOT)

The IOTA protocol

IOTA is an open-source protocol that allows virtual money transactions and data exchange. Its technology is fundamentally different from other crypto-currencies. Designed in 2015, the particularity of Iota is its operation without blockchain. There are therefore no blocks, no chains or minors involved in the process.

Tangle technology

On the IOTA network, currency trading is done through the Internet of Things (IOT) and Tangle technology. It is also a totally decentralized process, like Blockchain. This revolutionary process allows transactions to be made quickly and free of charge via connected devices. Tangle also makes it possible to store data in a decentralized manner and thus ensure their protection. The Iota system allows a user to sell data to companies instantly, without any intermediary agency intervening and taking part of the transaction.

Validation of transactions

Iota allows ultra fast transaction time and unlimited concurrent operations. It has been designed to have great scalability: as the network expands, its performance improves. The transaction validation system is quite innovative: to be able to perform a financial transaction on IOTA, the user will have to confirm two other transactions on the network. Thus, miners and users form a single entity.

IOTA tokens

The tokens of the network are called IOTA. An IOTA is the smallest unit of account. Larger units are then created by adding prefixes: KiloIota, MegaIota, GigaIota ...

Presentation and definition of Cardano cryptocurrency (ADA)

Cardano network presentation

Cardano is a decentralized protocol that works with a blockchain system that allows you to create free applications and formalize smart contracts, in your own Plutus language, for maximum security. The Cardano process offers more features than previously developed competitor networks and claims to be a new crypto-currency design that seeks to strike a balance between users and regulators by protecting the privacy of the former while trying to understand the demands of the second. Cardano is open-source and community-based and its layered blockchain protocol allows for flexibility and scalability.

The Proof of Stack consensus

The process uses ADA tokens. This is the first ever virtual currency that uses the Haskell code, an ultra-powerful programming language. This code is based on combinatorial logic and lamba-calculus. In the context of cryptocurrencies, it ensures the reliability of transactions. Cardano goes through a mathematical algorithm called proof of stack for block validation. The consensus is called Ouroboros and does not require excessive power consumption to validate the blocks, unlike the Bitcoin mining system.

Cardano, the Japanese Ethereum

In its operation, Cardano is closer to Ethereum and is often referred to as Japanese Ethereum. Its cryptocurrency, the Ada, is handled via the electronic wallet Deadalus. 45 billion Ada tokens were issued at the launch of the platform.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Stellar Lumens (XLM)

The Stellar network

Stellar is a decentralized platform designed to implement different financial applications. It is run by which is a non-profit organization. Stellar provides its users with its own independent stock market to trade all types of assets and currencies. This open-source project allows fast payments, validated in 2 to 5 seconds and for very low operating costs. Up to 1000 operations per second can be handled by the Stellar network.

The Stellar Protocol and the Lumen

Stellar's protocol does not include mining to create tokens, which means that all coins already exist at the start of the network. The Lumen is the cryptocurrency associated with the Stellar network. It is used to pay the costs of financial transactions and helps to ensure the authenticity of accounts: each account must ensure to have at least 20 units to remain active.

The distribution of chips has determined a specific distribution circuit of its chips:

  • 50% to interested persons, on request, to distribute in small quantities to as many people as possible
  • 25% to non-profit organizations
  • 20% for people who already have Bitcoins and XRP.
  • 5% that retains for specific operations

Presentation and definition of Bitcoin Cash crypto-currency (BCH / BCC)

The Bitcoin Cash: presentation

Bitcoin Cash was born in August 2017 following a hardfork of the Bitcoin protocol. The Bitcoin blockchain can not accommodate a large number of requests and users without impacting the speed and cost of transactions. Indeed, the original blockchain Bitcoin is not able to handle more than a dozen operations per second, which is extremely low compared to a network like Visa that can handle thousands. The result is slow and increasingly expensive transactions, which alarm the Bitcoin community and create major debates between users, miners and development teams.

Increasing the size of the blocks

To overcome this problem, increasing the size of the blocks seems to be the appropriate answer, but the Bitcoin network did not want to perform this upgrade. This split has given birth to a new version, Bitcoin Cash, considered by its followers as the "real Bitcoin". Bitcoin Cash uses the same blockchain process as traditional Bitcoin but now allows for faster and less expensive transactions. Block size has increased from 1MB to 8MB.

Bitcoin Cash joins Coinbase!

Bitcoin Cash can be bought directly on Coinbase. It is only the fourth cryptographic currency that has the privilege of entering the famous shopping platform after Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum.

Présentation et définition de la crypto-monnaie Ripple (XRP)

What is the Ripple?

The ripple is a real-time gross settlement system, also called "RTGS", a foreign exchange market and a remittance network. A real-time gross settlement system is one in which settlement instructions for the transfer of funds or securities take place individually, that is, instruction per instruction. In addition, it is a settlement system that intervenes in real time. It is a system that was launched in 2012 and supports any monetary system, including currency (coins and banknotes) and cryptographic currency. It is a decentralized network whose operation can be assured without any influence of Ripple, the company that founded this system, and it can not be closed.

Unlike other known cryptocurrencies, the process does not only take into account its own currency but also allows the use of any currency, fiduciary or virtual. Long remained in the shadow of Bitcoin, Ripple however became in 2017 the most successful virtual currency of the year.

The Ripple concept

In Ripple 's own words, its open source protocol is a "basic infrastructure technology for interbank transactions". For these international transfers, Ripple uses a pivot currency, the ripple, which is his own cryptographic currency.

The principle of these international transfers is relatively simple. Take the example of a transfer from France to the United Kingdom. The money is sent from the issuer's account to the account of an intermediary, also located in France. This intermediary sends the equivalent of this sum to the account of another intermediary on the other hand. Thus, the issuer will only pay the rate for a local transfer, since the money crosses the border in the form of ripples.

Making an international transfer with Ripple: what are the advantages?

Making international transfers with Ripple has several advantages:

  • as we have already seen, the amounts transferred cross the border in the form of ripples, which means that you will only pay the sums relating to a local transfer. It is therefore a very economical solution for all your international transfers;
  • the processing times are much shorter than for a bank transfer. Indeed, an international transfer will generally take several days if it is done by a bank whereas it is instantly concretized using Ripple;
  • transfers in a currency other than his own are also facilitated. In fact, by using Ripple, the recipient will receive the converted transfer in the currency of his bank account.

The Ripple, a hybrid currency

Independent servers

This is where the difference between the Ripple and other cryptographic currencies lies: they are independent servers that ensure the security of transactions. These servers may belong to anyone and some banks may hold. This makes this cryptocurrency incomparable with its competitors.

The validation system

The validation of each transaction is done by consensus. It is a voting system between independent validators who constantly compare their transaction records.

The Ripple: practical information

The XRP currency is divisible up to 6 decimal places, the smallest unit being called a "drop" (1 million drops = 1 XRP). All XRP are "pre-mined", which means that there is no longer the possibility to create new chips. XRP 100 billion was created at the launch of Ripple.

What you must remember

Ripple is a service that makes international transfers faster and cheaper than through a bank.
Before you cross the border, the money is converted into ripples, the cryptocurrency of Ripple, so that you will only pay the costs of a local transfer.
By using Ripple, you can make transfers in a currency other than your bank account.

Presentation and definition of the Ethereum cryptocurrency (ETH)

How does Ethereum work?

Ethereum is a network of computers that allows you to create a new type of applications. It is indeed a network of ultra-secure computers that are found around the world. This means that the information sent and received by this application is no longer processed by a server, but by this network of computers, in which each computer performs a small part of the work.

In exchange for this work, the members of this network receive ethers. Ethers are the fuel that allows applications to work. If a user does not need ethers, he can resell them to application developers. This will allow application developers to have fuel for the operation of their applications so that users can monetize their work.

Ethereum is a huge network of several thousand computers on which several applications run. This is called decentralization of applications. For a secure and transparent operation, this network operates using the principle of the blockchain: it is a large register on which the lines are automatically filled one by one by the different participants of the network. However, on this blockchain, it is impossible to delete or modify an already existing line. The information that appears on the blockchain is called smart contracts.

The advantages of the blockchain for Ethereum

Using the blockchain for its decentralization brings several advantages to the Ethereum:

  • The blockchain is public, which allows all users to be informed of all transactions that take place. Moreover, it is impossible to modify this blockchain, so that one can consult all the transactions that have taken place since its creation.
  • This also protects against any risk of data corruption. Indeed, since all participants have a copy of the database, it is almost impossible to corrupt their data.
  • The blockchain works with an encrypted protocol that is also almost impossible to hack.
  • Given the size of the network, computers will still be available to power it. This allows it to offer a very high reliability.

The utility of Ethereum

As we have already seen, ethers can not only be used as a fuel for the operation of applications, but they can also be resold to developers who need them. However, they can also be used on various applications, being spent as real money. Taking the example of an online betting application that accepts ethers, you can then use the ethers to bet the same way as with money. However, instead of earning money, you will earn ether.

The Ethereum platform: what is it?

Ethereum is a platform for decentralized exchanges. Just like Bitcoin, the protocol relies on blockchain technology but is not limited to monetary transactions only: it allows to create all types of applications (dApps) in a decentralized way. Basically, Ethereum is not a direct competitor of Bitcoin since it proposes a different use of the blockchain and brings additional functionalities.

Exchanges without intermediaries

The smarts contracts

The goal of the Ethereum network is to remove any type of intermediary on the web. It allows to program contracts, which are called by the creators of the network of "smart contracts", simple or complex, whose payment will be triggered only if all the conditions initially programmed are fulfilled. These contracts make it possible, for example, to carry out a financial transaction between two companies without the intervention of a third party.


These stand-alone programs have the advantage of having a reduced cost to seal a contract and to allow a fast execution. In addition, formalizing commitments through the blockchain ensures the immutability of the terms defined at the outset.

Ether, the "fuel" of dApps

The whole protocol works thanks to a crypto-currency, Ether, which is used to pay for smart contracts by buying "gas". This famous gas can be likened to a fuel that would allow the use of dApps in the same way that gasoline is used for his car. If there is no more "gas", the contract is no longer active.

What you must remember

Ethereum is a network of computers that makes applications work in a new way, using the power of thousands of computers that connect around the world.
This network is totally secure and transparent thanks to the use of a blockchain.
By contributing to the network you will earn ethers, which you can use to run applications, use in an application or resell to interested people.

Definition and operation of Bitcoin (BTC)

Definition of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first ever virtual currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto, triggering a real revolution in the world of financial transactions. Its name "Bitcoin" is the contraction of the English words "bit", which corresponds to a unit of measure binary, and "coin" which means "coin".

Bitcoin, the most widespread cryptocurrency

The issue of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million units, each divisible up to the eighth decimal place. With a capital of around 200 billion euros, it is today the most important cryptographic currency on the market and has been recognized since 2012 by the European Central Bank as the most widespread and successful virtual money scheme.

How does Bitcoin work?

This cryptocurrency relies on a peer-to-peer virtual payment system. Each transaction is stored in a secure public register, the "blockchain", and requires no intermediary: it is therefore a decentralized operation, based on a system of nodes. Each new block added to the chain must be verified, secured and registered: this is called "mining". Users who perform these checks, minors, are then paid for each new block registered.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that has no real representation. That is, you can not have bitcoins on you withdrawing from a distributor. These bitcoins are only found on the Internet and, like gold at one time, serve as currency in different transactions. It is expected that 21 million bitcoins will be available when the deployment of the currency is completed, ie in 2140. However, no entity or state will be able to create its own bitcoins.

How do transactions work?

Before you know how to use bitcoins, you have to understand what public keys and private keys are. Each user has one of each. The private key is unique and only the owner knows it. It allows a user to encrypt the message that he sends during a transaction. To read this message, you need a public key. This means that only bitcoin owners can read messages that indicate transactions.

These messages appear in the blockchain, a kind of registry that indicates all transactions made with bitcoins. Before being registered, a transaction is verified by the blockchain. This makes the blockchain can not be falsified.

In addition, transactions are even more secure thanks to the numbering of bitcoins. Each bitcoin has a number that makes it unique. This means that a person can not sell the same bitcoin multiple times and can not sell a bitcoin that he does not own. These numbers are obviously displayed in the transactions that appear on the blockchain. All these measures make Bitcoin a totally secure and transparent means of payment.

How to use bitcoins?

So, if you want to sell bitcoins, you have to file an offer announcing the number of bitcoins and the price you want. If you find a buyer, you will send him a message that will be encrypted with your private key. Once the transaction is validated, it appears in the blockchain and all users can be informed of the transaction.

On the contrary, if you want to buy bitcoins, you have to respond to an offer that corresponds to the amount you want to invest. Once the transaction is complete, the seller sends you an encrypted message that you can read through your public key. After the acceptance of the transaction, the buyer receives his bitcoins while the money is sent to the seller. This operation is done automatically.

Finally, each transaction is verified by minors. These miners are rewarded by receiving the new bitcoins released.

After the dismantling of 1Broker, will other crypto-platforms be targeted by US authorities?

1Broker, a stockbroker and Bitcoin trading platform based in the Marshall Islands, has recently been dismantled by US authorities. For some observers, the latter could soon attack other crypto-platforms.

The FBI managed to seize a few days ago the domain name used by 1Broker, closing the platform. In particular, he accuses him of providing financial securities without being a licensed broker and failing to comply with anti-money laundering laws.

Here is what the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said:

"The SEC claims that a special FBI agent, acting under cover, managed to buy a security swap on the 1Broker platform from the US, even though it failed to meet the required investment thresholds. by federal securities laws ".

1Broker replica

On Monday afternoon, 1Broker posted a statement on Twitter, saying it was working with a law firm and its legal teams to try to get back on its domain name.

On September 27, 1Broker said he was ready to cooperate with the authorities. She had indicated that she wanted to allow her US customers to withdraw their funds as soon as possible.

When writing this article on Wednesday, October 3rd, the domain name still had an FBI statement. The latter seized him after obtaining a warrant from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

A disturbing initiative?

This is what Shamoil T. Shipchandler, SEC Regional Office Director for the City of Fort Worth said:

"The SEC protects US investors on a variety of platforms, regardless of the type of currency they use to trade. International companies that offer their services to US investors can not circumvent compliance with federal securities laws by using cryptocurrencies. "

On Twitter, the lawyer Jake Chervinsky insisted that the US law enforcement agencies took more than two years to close 1broker - the transaction carried out by the undercover agent took place on March 30, 2016.

He recalled that most Tokens from ICOs were launched in the second quarter of 2017, and suggested that some of them could already be in the viewfinder of US authorities.

Several crypto-traders share this view, and believe that some trading platforms like BitMEX or Binance could potentially be targeted by the United States.

Zimbabwe decides to ban the only monetary hope of the country: Bitcoin

While Bitcoin is often seen as a way to generate a return on investment, one of the main functions of this innovative currency would easily be forgotten: to be able to act as a decentralized store of value.

Citizens of countries marked by hyperinflation, who see it as a means of securing their wealth, may be worried when the authorities decide to ban the use of this asset altogether ...

Cryptocurrencies: Zimbabwe Prohibits "Issue, Sale, Purchase, Exchange and Investment"

On May 11, many Zimbabwean citizens were deeply upset by the country's central bank decision to ban the possession, trading and transfer of Bitcoin.

While this measure is unlikely to have a significant impact on crypto-markets, it is Zimbabweans who are being deprived of a free and centralized alternative, which could up to now allow them to circumvent the hyperinflation that crosses the country - a country that issues a bill of 100,000 trillion local dollars:

According to an article published by NewsDay, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has also imposed the closure of services offered by financial institutions to Bitcoin companies, stating that they "should stop" these commercial relations within the next 60 days.

Norman Mataruka, Chief Registrar of the RBZ, said in a circular:

"As a monetary authority, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is the custodian of public funds and has an obligation to preserve the integrity of payment systems. "

Mr. Mataruka stated that the 60-day period should be used by banks to terminate any agreement related to guarantees, discounts, registrations, trading or solicited loans through currencies. digital.

The circular also states that this measure is taken in the "public interest" and is intended to protect and safeguard the integrity of the country's financial system.

John Mangudya, the governor of the central bank, said:

"The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has neither authorized nor endorsed any person, entity or stock exchange to offer the issue, sale, purchase, exchange or investment in virtual currencies / coins / tokens in Zimbabwe. Scholarships such as Bitfinance, Golix and Styx24 are not authorized or regulated by the Reserve Bank. "

The RBZ decision, which last month issued a circular outlining the risks associated with cryptocurrency trading - citing fraud, hacking and data loss - follows a recent warning from the Central Bank of Kenya. (CBK), who called on the public to turn away from these assets.

In the public interest, really?

In the context of a global financial crisis, far from the bustling streets of the city of Harare, one or more anonymous creators initiated the world into a digital and encrypted form of currency: Bitcoin. This freely available peer-to-peer payment network operates without any centralized authority.

And in addition to the decentralized approach of the protocol was its deflationary nature, which aimed to offer a different model from that of the traditionally inflationary fiduciary currencies.

While many individuals residing in regions with high inflation - such as Zimbabwe, South Sudan or Venezuela - quickly adopted Bitcoin, which proved to be less risky than the national currency, these countries have repeatedly lashed out at decentralized digital currencies, probably thinking that they were giving back power to their peoples.

It is puzzling why Zimbabwe has justified this measure, which would have been taken "in the public interest" - as the country suffers from unprecedented hyperinflation since the year 2000, reaching a peak in 2008 at 98% daily inflation:

It is therefore normal for citizens to move with billions of local dollars to do their shopping - while the RBZ presents the current financial system as "healthy and secure." For its part, Bitcoin has been able to offer these individuals a way to secure their financial holdings, knowing that their value should not be divided by 10 or 100 when they need to draw funds.

It is this craze for the digital asset that has caused very high prices on local platforms: while the BTC recorded last December a historic record of more than 20 000 dollars, they posted on their side prices over $ 30,000.

Despite this ban, Bitcoin and the main cryptocurrencies are probably the safest choice for Zimbabweans wishing to secure their wealth - especially since no government can really ban their use. But now they will have to show great discretion.