Saturday 24 November 2018

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE)

The Dogecoin: presentation of this atypical cryptocurrency

The Dogecoin is a decentralized digital currency that allows for peer-to-peer transactions in a very fast, secure and low cost way. The basic initiative of the creator of Dogecoin was to create a currency with a more humorous approach. This is why he chose the name "Doge" which is then a viral shiba dog and very well known by English-speaking users. If the basic idea was more of a joke, the Doge quickly found a community of followers who decided to support this new cryptocurrency. Today, the Doge is still the mascot of the network.

The Dogecoin for small transactions

Unlike Bitcoin, the reference in the world of cryptographic currencies, Dogecoin was created with the objective of making transactions of small amounts, the type "tips" (tips). The amounts of transactions are often below 10 €, which allows micro-payments such as sending tips or buying music or applications costing a few cents or a few euros. Initially, the maximum amount of DOGE in circulation was set at 100 billion tokens. Once this level reached, it was planned to reinject each year 5.2 billion tokens. This limit was finally lifted and the issue of DOGE is now indexed to that of Litecoin.

How Dogecoin works

The Doge network operates through blockchain and mining processes, in the same way as the LuckyCoin virtual currency, itself based on Litecoin.

Presentation and definition of the Stratis cryptocurrency (STRAT)

The Stratis project

Stratis is a project to make the blockchain more accessible. Stratis particularly targets companies that do not have the skills to reap the benefits of cryptocurrencies. The goal is to democratize the use of blockchain by providing turnkey solutions. For its creator, Chris Trew, the blockchain is synonymous with the future but few companies use it for lack of means or knowledge.

The operation of Stratis

Stratis offers an easy and intuitive way to create applications on the blockchain. These applications are coded in C # language on the .NET framework infrastructure, via the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node library. The network proposes a language already widely used in the development of applications to facilitate the transition and to avoid developers having to learn new languages. The Stratis blockchain offers great security and stability, which reassures and attracts companies. Companies can now launch their own blockchain at a lower cost.

Breeze knots

The Breeze Nodes are designed to support the Breeze Wallet. This portfolio will provide users with greater confidentiality in their operations. In order for the Breeze nodes to be exploited correctly, the member will have to lock in his wallet a certain amount of chips.

The IOC Stratis

Stratis was funded through an initial offering, an ICO, which raised 915 Bitcoins, the equivalent of $ 650,000. Following the ICO, 98 million STRAT units were issued and distributed to investors.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Augur (REP)

The Augur network
Augur is a decentralized network that creates prediction markets. Its operation is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Any user can open a predictive market by investing tokens. Then, the creator is rewarded if his prediction is correct, via a percentage of the fees generated. The Augur network is therefore inspired by betting platforms, but the blockchain makes it possible to record a greater number of participations and predictions. In addition, users can create any bet on Augur without the latter being validated by a central organization. All other members will be able to participate for a relatively low fee.

REP tokens
The Augur platform uses REP tokens. The REP represents a sort of score. This is not an investment of liquidity but a token that can account for the outcome of the event predicted. It is therefore not a central authority that validates the outcome of the event but the set of PWR holders, called "oracles". If an oracle decides to announce a false result, all his REP tokens will be redistributed. Thus, cheating and error are almost impossible.

Money supply
11 million REP are in circulation, the limit is fixed. Following the ICO (Initial Corner Offering), 80% of the chips were sold, the development team received 16% and the foundation that manages the maintenance and promotion of Augur (the Forecast Foundation) obtained 4 %.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Augur (REP)

The Augur network

Augur is a decentralized network that creates prediction markets. Its operation is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Any user can open a predictive market by investing tokens. Then, the creator is rewarded if his prediction is correct, via a percentage of the fees generated. The Augur network is therefore inspired by betting platforms, but the blockchain makes it possible to record a greater number of participations and predictions. In addition, users can create any bet on Augur without the latter being validated by a central organization. All other members will be able to participate for a relatively low fee.

REP tokens

The Augur platform uses REP tokens. The REP represents a sort of score. This is not an investment of liquidity but a token that can account for the outcome of the event predicted. It is therefore not a central authority that validates the outcome of the event but the set of PWR holders, called "oracles". If an oracle decides to announce a false result, all his REP tokens will be redistributed. Thus, cheating and error are almost impossible.

Money supply

11 million REP are in circulation, the limit is fixed. Following the ICO (Initial Corner Offering), 80% of the chips were sold, the development team received 16% and the foundation that manages the maintenance and promotion of Augur (the Forecast Foundation) obtained 4 %.

Presentation and definition of the cryptocurrency Ark (ARK)

The creation of Ark

The cryptocurrency Ark has an atypical career. When François-Xavier Thoorens left the Lisk project, Ark was born. At the time, Lisk's members think that the founders lack vision and when one of the developers leaves the ship, it causes a global challenge of the community. Several dozen members decide to open a group to discuss the future of Lisk. 9 people will emerge from these debates and embark on a new project: the Ark project, in reference to Noah's Ark.

Ark's Ico

The group of developers launches an ICO, "Initial Coin Offering" to finance the project. The ICO must reach a minimum of 2000 bitcoins to be validated. In December 2016, the fundraising was a failure: it does not reach the defined floor and can not be confirmed. In 2017, the team manages to find a new agreement with donors and can finally launch its cryptocurrency.

The features of Ark

Ark is the very first PoS (Proof of Stake) cryptographic currency to be equipped with a secure USB key as hardware Wallet. The Ark blockchain enables ultra-fast transaction validation: a block can be created every 8 seconds. 60 times faster than its competitor Bitcoin, Ark is one of the fastest virtual currencies on the market.

The Ark Ecosystem cooperative

With Ark's expansion, it became important to secure the project and protect the funds. This is how SCIC Ark Ecosystem was launched, with the aim of giving priority to the project and not to the shareholders. In this organizational model, 52.5% of the generated assets are allocated to the development of the project.

Presentation and definition of Bitcoin Gold Cryptocurrency (BTG)

A fork of Bitcoin

Bitcoin Gold is a fork of the famous Bitcoin network aimed at solving the problem of centralization of minors. This fork took place in October 2017, at block 491407. The developers took what is called "a snapshot" of the blockchain. Before block 491407, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Gold have the same history and then diverge. From a technical point of view, this new cryptocurrency is very similar to Bitcoin.

At the time of the fork, all holders of Bitcoins (BTC) were able to receive an equivalent amount of Bitcoins Gold (BTG) directly in their wallet. This is an "Airdrop", a free distribution of coins to quickly spread the chips and promote the new currency.

History of the fork

Today, the mining of Bitcoin is carried out by a small minority that has powerful machines. This computing power is completely inaccessible for individuals. Bitcoin Gold therefore intervenes to propose a solution to this problem based on a new algorithm: Equihash. It is the same algorithm used in the Zcash system, it has the distinction of being resistant to ASICS. The goal is to give members the opportunity to mine with their processors and graphics cards. At launch, there was a pre-mining of 100,000 tokens.

The DDoS attack

When it was launched, the Bitcoin Gold site was the victim of a DDoS attack and had to shut down for 4 hours. This attack has discredited BTG, cryptocurrency users having questioned the competence of the team.

Presentation and definition of the Ethereum Classic Cryptocurrency (ETC)

The birth of Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic was born in 2016 following the piracy of a smart contract on the Ethereum network which caused the misappropriation of more than 10% of ETH tokens then in circulation. The team of developers wanted to set up a fork to cancel the piracy and give back the funds to the holders but this initiative was not supported by the entire network. In fact, going back on past transactions, even fraudulent ones, would totally call into question the unchanging character of the blockchain. The result is a schism in the Ethereum blockchain that has split into two versions. The new Ethereum Classic protocol is the piracy version and it always contains all blocks of past transactions.

How Ethereum Classic works

The Ethereum Classic uses tokens called Ether Classic that have the same characteristics as Ether Ethereum network. Both networks rely on the same basic operation: the creation of applications and the execution of "smart contracts" in the blockchain, via a fully decentralized open-source system. Although the Ethereum Classic network has a much smaller market capitalization than its precursor, it has still managed to win in the world of cryptocurrencies and has reached more than $ 1.5 billion in market value.

The limit of tokens ETC

Unlike Ethereum, Ethereum Classic has set a limit on ETC tokens. The distribution of chips will end when 210 million of them are already in circulation.